Friday, June 29, 2007

Why yes, I am in fact a fan boy.

I love watching well crafted TV shows. I am 100% unapologetic about this. I don't understand people who sit around and say TV is worthless and that it has never offered up anything good. I certainly can understand people who do not have enough money in their budget to afford cable or even a TV for that matter. These are not the people I am speaking of. I can even appreciate people who would simple rather read a book. The people I take exception with, are the sanctimonious individuals who sit there and pretend they are better then everyone else because they don't watch TV, and often times think those who do watch TV are addle minded sheep.

Last night a show that gave me more joy and happiness (and for far to short a time) then any other show has in a very long time. It was a show that did everything that I love. For as horrible a writer as I am, and even though I have a complete inability to spell, I think the study of language and the ability to craft a well formed thought is crucial. That's why I find the end of Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip to be rather heart breaking. This was a show that for once expressed politics as I see them. It addressed the hypocrisies that liberalism can lead to (not unlike conservatism for those scoring at home), actually real race issue as the exist in and outside of the Black community, it talked about religion in an honest and real way, it discussed morals and more importantly moral imperatives. In short the show depicted what life can and sometimes is like.

It's gone now, and a void will exist in my heart where this show once was. I dunno, maybe people are right...maybe there isn't anything good on.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

An Irony of Sorts.

People oft think I am joking when I say, "technology is the devil." I could not be more serious when I utter those words. Now, this is a bit of a duality because I am a software developer. My problem with technology mostly stems from how people use it. I am in fact a huge fan of new and inventive technology, but I question how much of it is useful. I am the first to admit that my iPod and I are in a torrid love affair, but what I absolutely can not stand is the whole cult of personality that goes with the iPod. Lets be clear, the iPod is not necessarily a better device then most other mp3 players (in fact there are about 4 things I can not stand about it). The things that makes the iPod so successful are that it was first and that it was able to develope a huge cult of personality behind it. Now that cult of personality has led to some truly inventive occurrences. I bought mine solely b/c it has far and away the best car integration scheme going. However b/c of the iPod's cult of personality status, it gets tons credit it does not deserve.

Contrary to popular belief, you are no more or less artistic and creative if you use Apple products. Apple inc. is a solid company who make fine products, but they are also egregious liars. Their entire Mac vs PC add campaign is simply untrue in most cases. This is dangerous. Not in a, "HOLY SHIT IT'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!", kind of way, but in a how responsible is it for a large international corporation to spread patent (and in some cases baseless) lies?

The other issue with technology is a far more personal issue. I have increasingly found myself in conversations with people who tell me about some theory they read about T.V. show X on some Internerd site. Now, I have no problems with the idea of cyber communities, but what I don't like is how they can often taint shows. Often times writers get sucked into reading these chat rooms to see what the "average" person thinks about their show. Well I got news for you, these people are not "average" by any definition. Then writers start trying to cater to these people and often times lose what was good about the show in the first place. Coughtheoccough. Also these groups tend to be inhabited by the most reactionary people on the planet. One bad episode? Your shows jumped the shark. Odds are the episode wasn't even that bad, but everyone wants to be the first person who realized that show X jumped the shark. I will never understand this impulse (odds are it has something to do with a decline in western civilization, but that's a different blog) as long as I live.

The other wonderful joy this whole Internet and T.V. revolution has brought us is web content actually made by the show. Lost is a prime example of this. I enjoy how Lost has done this, but I fear the precedent. With Lost you can completely ignore the web content and be no worse for wear. However I see a day in the not to distant future where to watch a T.V. show, you will be forced to surf the Internerd for hours on end in order to keep up with the latest episode of Over the Top Teen Docudrama X. I find this to be an extremely tiring and depressing idea.

Friday, June 1, 2007

A small bit of thievery

I have been meaning to write. I promise...see I just have not had much to say that would be positive. Sure I could bitch about love, life, and a lack of a love life, but what fun is that? Instead I shall steal something from my friend Heather. She poses question that she refers to as "Weekly survey for the thinking class." I like the questions for the most part, so here we go.

1. What book, comic or magazine would you like to live inside?
I have to go with Dune here. However, I would want to be a descendant of Usul. I want the cool powers and shit. However I do not wish to go insane or become a giant slug. These are the rules.

2. List a few things you can buy for less than a dollar that make you happy.
So I don't really have any of these. This means one of two things. Either A, I am very materialistic or B the dollar simple does not have the buying power it once did. I would say its a healthy mix of the two. See what I did there, I made it sound like it was an either or situation, and then BAM I changed it to a combination. Damn I am crafty...

3. Write an obituary for any current cultural reference you want. (example: the death of lower back tattoos, Borat catchphrases, backwards ball caps, etc.)

On Thursday May 31st, the Pastel Polo Shirt with the collar "Popped" died of shame. It was a long time coming said the family of Pastel "Popped" Polo shirt. The family was not quite ready for this passing to occur. Many women are now unsure as to what to do. The Pastel "Popped"Polo Shirt served as either a mating call or a sign to avoid. Most girls heard the sounds, "DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!", every time one was near. This will make bars a far far more dangerous place for women. Cynical men everywhere will have a harder time picking out their targets to mock. Pastel "Popped" Polo Shirt, you will be missed.

4. Is it hypocritical that every Democrat candidate took a private jet to the debate, instead of the better-for-the-environment traveling methods like carpooling, flying commercial, or finding a way to reduce their environmental impact?

Not so much since, these people may or may not even like one another. Plus, there is no telling what their schedules are like before or after the event. It would be way to hard for them to coordinate all of that.

5. What is a modern food marvel that offends you the most (examples: GO-gurt, blue ketchup)

Whatever that peanut butter and jelly in the same jar stuff is. I was once reduced to eating it on tour b/c I was so desperate for anything other then a peanut butter sandwich. It was bad times.

6. If you had a title in life, like most people have a title at work on their business cards, what would your title be?

Reluctant yet enthusiastic lush.

7. Do you believe the justice system works?

Not even a tiny bit.

8. What are the reasons you would never be able to be P.O.T.U.S.?

Besides the fact that I have no concept of how most of the things the president is suppose to do work, I have far to many horrible things in my past to even remotely consider this.

9. Best advice you have received in the year 2007 and where did it come from?
Someone suggested I pick up JJ Hardy in one of my fantasy baseball leagues. That has been panning out rather well.

10. What large corporation would you not mind endorsing in your life?

Well, I work for FedEx so I suppose it should be them.