Friday, July 20, 2007

A Clarification of my position

I am a computer guy. Try as I might to avoid them, deny them, and on rare occasions destroy them, they are are a huge part of my life. I have been rather obsessed with them since I was 13 years old. I decided at that young and tender age that I was going to be a software developer. I am in fact now a software developer.

My love/hatred of computers often leads people to misunderstand my point. This is mostly b/c I am a HORRIBLE communicator. I have very explicit beliefs on what the best operating system is, and what I want out of all of my gadgets. I am Debian GNU Linux man, and I don't get a lot of newer tech ideas (see blue tooth headsets). While I was very impressed initially by the iPhone, as I read more about it, I cooled. It simply does not do several things that I want a phone to do, and I get the distinct feeling I would not be wild about the interface. If your wild about the interface, that's great. I am not saying it can't work for you. I am saying that it doesn't work for me.

Here's the major problem though. People don't get it when I complain about various things Apple Inc does. It's not that I don't find it funny; it's not even that some of the ads are incredibly untrue (which they are), it's that I am not making these statements as a disgruntled windows user or even an M$ (thats Microsoft for those scoring at home) fan boy. Trust me, I am neither. I in fact loath Windows. I am a very satisfied user of Linux. Sure I have complaints about my OS, but I think it's the best thing going. It's free, I have tons of free software, it runs very smoothly, and I can customize as much as I want. It's everything I need. So if you ever meet me (or anyone like me) we are not saying mean things about Apple. We are simply amazed at the idea that people think that there is nothing better then a Mac and the bizarre cult of personality that has developed around the Mac.

The way Apple is going these days, it won't be long before you drive your iCar to the local Starbucks and order your iLatte. So please don't get me wrong, Apple is a solid company. They make nice and what seem to be reliable products, but I won't simple give them a pass on all criticism. I don't understand why anyone would. So please the next time I say I am not a fan of some piece of technology, be it the iPhone, the Wii, blue tooth headsets, please don't take it personally. I am not making an indictment of your life. I am simply saying I don't agree. Well, unless of course your that ass hat at the bar or the store talking on their blue tooth headset at the top of their lungs for all to hear. FUCK YOU! YOUR NOT THAT IMPORTANT!!!! HOW HARD IS IT TO PUT THE PHONE TO YOUR HEAD? HONESTLY, HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT!

1 comment:

God Bless The Printing Press said...

Should anyone actually stumble across this, it is inexcusable that I did not link to the Debian website.