Monday, November 3, 2008

Now with less rage

Yeah...I wasn't pleased last week when I found out about my voter registration... You can probably tell. I will be swinging by the poles tomorrow to try and vote anyways.

It seems a member of the Descendents passed away on Halloween. I was never a huge fan of the band, and this doesn't hit me nearly as hard as the death of Lance from J Church, but the band was crucial. I was just thinking of them this weekend in fact. I was watching Pump of the Volume, and I saw the sceen where he plays a Descendents song. It made me smile a bit.

1 comment:

ever the same, ever changing, I am e said...

You're a saint! Even with early voting, I'd imagine the lines tomorrow will be crazy - and then to wait all that time if they end up turning you away? Best of luck!!