Monday, November 17, 2008

The Down Side of Aging

So today is my 29th birthday, and I am somewhat amazed how quickly a few things in my life have changed. See this band called Pelican is playing tonight. They are really good, and super nice guys (meet them last time they were here.)However I am not sure if I am going to go to the show. Somewhere the 16-24 year old version of myself is thinking, "How the hell is this even a debate? You once drove to Michigan just to see The Swarm's final show. You drove to Nashville and back in snow storm just to see Sunny Day Realestate. What in the world is the problem?"

Now here is the problem. I know I am still uber young, but I don't recover from all nighter's seeing rock and roll as well as I use to. I don't handle drinking till 2 AM or 3 AM and waking up at 6:30 as well as I use to. Oh wait...I just remembered something, I am not a huge sissy. I will suck it up and see Pelican tonight. So should be there too.


safeguy said...

happy birthday howell.

Adrienne said...

I just saw this and I would like to remind you that back when you were driving to Michigan to see the Swarm's final show and doing all those crazy things, you were not drinking. You were, at the time, still nailed to it.

I don't know that you'll even see this, ever... but whatever.
