Friday, October 24, 2008

Lighter and Fluffier

My friend Danielle and I were discussing various random topics at the bar last evening, when we stumbled upon the the idea of graduation rates. There was a somewhat meaningful discussion on the topic, but the idea that interested me most was when we discussed the adverse effects that giving a damn about Independent Music can have on your college carer.

I have several friends who did not finish school. I am convinced a lot of this due to the "Punk Rock" life style.* See when you decided it's a good idea to drive 6-8 hours to go see some band play in another city, and then hop in your car directly after the show and drive that same 6-8 hours back, and then for reasons that boggle the mind, attempt to go to class, well...let's just say you didn't put yourself in a position to succeed.

I must have spent half of my college carer tired beyond all belief because of rock and roll. If I wasn't out of town at a show, I was certainly at one in town. I didn't even start drinking till I was almost 23.**

Maybe Punk rock will be the actual down fall of our society.

*Really it was more of a Math Rock/Screamie Hardcore life style, but who's counting?

** I am convinced if I had started sooner, then I would have never graduated.

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