Friday, May 30, 2008

Indian Jones and the Crystal Skull

Is it odd that the least preposterous thing in the whole move were the aliens? I mean I knew about them going in, and figured, that no way could this film be good, and it wasn't. However, I was not prepared for them to be more believable then damn near everything else in the film.

"...and we only steal from the greatest books..."

1 comment:

A Field Guide to Urban Memphis said...

It had all the typical Indiana Jones elements - minus some romance. I didn't know about the aliens beforehand and was quite surprised... But why it's less believable than the Ark of the Covenant melting off peoples' faces ("It's beeaaaauuutifuuuuulllll!!!!!") or the Holy Grail healing Sean Connery's gunshot wound, I'm not sure.

The most classic thing about the movie was the bugs. Ew.