Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A struggle

I have yet figured out how to write about it, but please believe me when I tell you that baseball is the new Indie Rock. I know this sounds nuts and all but there is so much stuff going on in the "under ground" of baseball. I mean tons and tons of great writers who will get little to no main stream love, but keep plucking away and doing it because they love it. Every so often one of them makes it big, or a guy who already made it big becomes influenced by what's happening in the under ground and gives the main stream a taste. It's an amazing time to be a baseball fan. I shall now link to some of my favorite sites.

Baseball Prospectus

Stats oh glorious stats. Also some of the best writing out there.

Baseball Analysts
A rotating cast ever writers with some of the best forums out there.

Baseball Think Factory
An news aggregate of sorts. It's great for finding stuff you may not normally read.

Joe Posnanski
Not always about baseball, but mostly. He is easily one the best writers around.

The Dish
Personal Blog of ESPN's Kieth Law. You might find baseball hall of fame talk. You might find reviews of Jane Austin Books. You might see a review of great places to eat across America. You never know, and that's why it's great.


safeguy said...

so who's gone mainstream and hence their writing has suffered?

God Bless The Printing Press said...

A solid question by safeguy...

While Peter Gammons has always been main stream, he use to be considered forward thinking, and his writing has gone down hill a good bit over the last two to three years. I would link to him, but all his stuff is subscription only.